Tiffy's Books

When The Pressure Is On: Dating

My very first book When The Pressure Is On: Dating is for all singles, couples and married folks who are facing types of pressure in their dating life. Those who are single, and dating, are facing various types of pressure that draws them away from God and the real reason and purpose for dating. Yes, even married folks have problems with dating their spouse-they forget they are still dating them! Not to spoil too much of the book, it is available on Amazon and Kindle!

(To get the ebook on Kindle, you'll need to go onto Amazon's website and get it there)

Get your copy today!!!


You're One And Lonely

My second book was released in June 2023. This book discusses the types of loneliness many are facing these days and to know there is a true way of getting out of that dark corner. 


You are not alone, my friend.


(To get the eBook on Kindle, you'll need to go onto Amazon's website, not app.)

Get your copy today!!!


If you'd like to get this book, it is available on Amazon.

The Journey: Short Stories and Poems

The Journey is a collection of Tiffany's poems and short stories she has written over 10 years. They are metaphorical, symbolic and spiritually inspiring.

"We are all on a journey. We all face different emotions, loss and heartaches. This book is simply an enjoyable read of creative and collective written paths to encourage the hurting or happy reader. Though the journey may seem long and hard, there is always a path that leads us to abundant life. With Him, Jesus Christ, the journey will be worth it. Stay encouraged, friend."

-Tiffany Shacole West