God can bring you to a place that is dead to speak through you to bring something back to life. Could be a friendship, a family member, a relationship, a marriage. God can turn anything and everything around with a word. In Genesis 1:1, yes, the beginning, remember when God spoke a few words, ""let there be light," and you know what happened? Boom! There was light.
Just take a minute to think about that. God's words alone spoke light into existence. He spoke trees to rise from the ground, the land and ocean to be separated, the birds to fly and dolphins to swim. He spoke growth and beauty in all of His creation, but the one thing He did that amazes me, He created man in His image. He wanted us, not only to be like what He did with the rest of His creation, but He created us to be made in His image. We don't need to conform to His image when we are and have been made in His image. Too many Christians' feel as though they need to work hard and do everything that's of God to "please God." It's not all about the outside works, it's about how and who God already created you to be by simply using His words.
We are to imitate God. He gives us authority and power through Christ Jesus. He says in His word, our words bring life and death. Look in Ezekiel 37:1-14 how the Spirit of the Lord spoke to Ezekiel to speak life to the dry bones! (Read it for yourself) Wow. Like if that doesn't amaze you then I don't know what will. God gives us power through our words! This to me means a lot when it comes to prayer, speaking to others and especially the way we talk to ourselves. Not in a weird way. No, I'm talking about the times when it was yourself discouraging you saying how you're not good enough, you look nothing like this person, you can't do this. You probably don't realize that those are lies you are telling yourself. It's not always Satan. We find ourselves trapped in our own little lies and sometimes Satan is there to help edge you on.
Don't give the devil an inch so he can take a mile. Close that door of negativity. Tell those lies, NO MORE!
When you look back at Ezekiel 37, specifically verse 7, this scripture gets me all fired up. When Ezekiel accepted what the Spirit of the Lord commanded him to do, there was a sudden change. Read it and then read it again. In the NLT version it says, "So I spoke this message, just as he told me. Suddenly as I spoke, there was a rattling noise all across the valley. The bones of each body came together and attached themselves as complete skeletons."
The bible clearly states that faith without works is dead. Now this works is not works of doing everything that's said to be God's work. No. This sort of works is putting action in your faith. It wasn't just the authority of the Lord speaking through Ezekiel, even though His authority is far greater than we could ever imagine, but it was also Ezekiel's faith that connected with the authority, and something marvelous happened right in this moment. Suddenly. Suddenly means quickly and unexpected. Full of faith, but could Ezekiel have not expected to hear the rattling of the bones knocking together and forming into its original state? His faith didn't see what was going to happen, but he did what the Spirit of the Lord commanded him, and he got to be a part of a miracle.
Imagine this!
Then the bones came together and attached themselves. You may not know that you may have a word, a testimony, a gift, something that God has put in you to speak to others. You may not know that this may be the very thing God uses to save someone. There was a quote that caught my attention and thought it fits well with what I've been studying. "Your life may be the only bible some people read." I thought, wow. There are those who don't know the Lord, who may want to know the Lord, or some that struggle coming back or simply could care less, but it may be you to be the light God uses in their season of darkness.
Do you realize God doesn't really need us to accomplish His plans, yet it is because of His unfailing and faithful love that He wants us. He wants to use us to be apart of His mysterious and marvelous plans. God is so good.
You can get the outside ready and looking good, but you can still be dead on the inside! How about speaking life in you? Pray for God to revive you, to refreshen you with His Spirit. We all need a refreshing new breath of life from the Spirit of God Almighty! That is the only way you will truly come alive. It's through the breath, the voice, oh the precious words of God! He made you in His image, why would He withhold His breath that will give you life? Come out from the dry season and come to the living water of Jesus Christ. You will never thirst again!
Let's pray.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for breathing new life into me. Thank you for reviving these dry bones of mine to come alive by your Spirit. Restore me. Renew my Spirit. Clean my heart. Today I ask that you help my words to speak life to myself and to others. Let my praise to you forever be on my lips that others will know you are truly God above all. I pray your Spirit will continue to give me the right words to say to myself and to others. I love you Jesus and I thank you.
In Jesus name,
Thanks peeps for reading! I've been not feeling well, but no worries! I'm going to keep moving forward, reading, studying, praying and posting these blogs no matter what! I'm praying for each and every one of you for God to be with you this week!
See y'all next week!
Songs of the Week: Come Alive (Dry Bones) by Lauren Daigle and Dead Man Walking by Jeremy Camp
Scripture of the Week: "This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Look! I am going to put breath into you and make you live again! 6 I will put flesh and muscles on you and cover you with skin. I will put breath into you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.’” 7 So I spoke this message, just as he told me. Suddenly as I spoke, there was a rattling noise all across the valley. The bones of each body came together and attached themselves as complete skeletons.
(P.S. God is moving and speaking life in your valley's. Don't give up.)