Since we discussed on concentrating, I'd like to talk about consecrating. I feel as though concentrating and consecrating go hand in hand and are much alike. First let's know the definition of consecrate. Consecrating is to make or declare sacred, to set apart, dedicate or devote to the service and worship of God (
In church, I always heard my pastor say, "Consecrate yourself daily."
I never understood what that word meant. I couldn't give my own definition of what that could possibly mean. It wasn't until I realize that word and a couple others wouldn't leave me alone. I constantly heard "consecrate," "set apart," and "separate."
I finally asked God what He was trying to tell me. Little did I realize that the more I walked with God and continued to do what He called me to do, the more I noticed these words coming alive. I was able to understand more clearly. I'm not saying it was at all easy. I had to separate myself from old friendships. I had to consecrate my time to pray and read more.
The biggest thing, at least to me, was being set apart.
Set apart isn't always the greatest feeling, but it's not meant to go on our feelings. To be set apart is to be a special possession of the Lords; God Himself removes you from the wicked. It's like when you accept Jesus into your heart and now washed in His blood, all sin is washed away, God then lifts you up and places you under His wings. Set apart for Him to use you in His plans.
God delights in His children who are separated from worldly things and set apart to be used by Him.
To be honest with you, I didn't like this feeling at all. I asked and cried out to God, "Why am I so different?" "Why can't I be like everyone else?" It isn't easy walking away from what you know and are comfortable with, but to walk into God's plans you have to separate and consecrate yourself, and when you do, you'll see great the great wonders of what our Heavenly Father can do. You can't have one foot in the world and another in the Lord's plans. It won't work. That's being a lukewarm Christian, a Christian who wants to serve two masters.
"No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon [money, possessions, fame, status, or whatever is valued more than the Lord.] -Matthew 6:24 AMP
Remember when Jesus was preaching to the crowd, who pressed themselves on him to listen to the word of God. Jesus saw two empty boats and got into Simon Peters. He asked Simon to push the boat out into the water for Him to preach. After Jesus was done preaching, He instructed Simon Peter to go deeper in the water and let down his nets to catch some fish. Simon Peter stated they worked hard the night before but didn't catch anything, but He said, "If you say so, I'll let the nets go down."
What if Simon Peter stayed upset about not catching anything the night before? What if Simon Peter decided to question Jesus, what do you know about catching fish? You're just a carpenter! What if Simon Peter rowed back to shore and told Jesus you got the wrong man to fall for this? Peter knew by just believing Jesus' word.
God has chosen us to be set apart and follow him. He has called us to be consecrated. To consecrate ourselves to Him. To leave everything behind and focus on Him. He did the same for Abraham. God called Abraham, He gave him a word, to leave everything He knew and loved, and follow follow Him to a land that He will show Him.
Abraham only needed a word from God. He accepted the calling. Maybe you need a word from God.
This is your word: Consecrate yourself to Him daily.
God didn't provide Abraham with enough info. Same for Simon Peter. But they didn't need more info. They weren't like me who waited forever to understand. God repeatedly was telling me to consecrate myself to Him, it took a while, but I finally understood. They, Simon Peter and Abraham, knew by faith that He is Lord, and with the attitude of reverence, they chose to follow the Lord.
You don't choose God, God chose you.
And when you accept Him, give all of you to Him. Dedicate your life to Him.
If Jesus can give His life for us, surely, we can give our life for Him.
It's not too late to lay down your nets, follow Him and consecrate yourself daily.
Have a great weekend peeps!
Scripture of the Weekend: "Then Joshua said to the people, "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you." -Joshua 3:5
Songs for the Weekend: Set Apart by Worship Central | Different by Micah Tyler