"I'm going to be married by 18. We'll have a big house. A big family, with many kids. My husband will be working his dream job. I'll be taking care of the kids and working my dream career.....so on....so on....and so on...."
I believed this for a while. I pursued this for a while until I realized nothing was going the way I hoped or planned. When it felt like I was meant to be single for the rest of my life, I felt like my singleness was a curse. It haunted me and I tried running from it. I'd be tormented with the comparison of others achieving what I wanted, being asked 24/7 "why aren't you married yet?" "When are you going to get your mom some grand babies?" "Do I need to find someone for you?"
I'm telling you, I wanted to explode. I gave up. I said what's the point of hoping for something you'll never have. Obviously I was never meant to date or get married.
So, in my singleness I complained....a lot. I grew angry over time and didn't care who showed interest at all. I just stuck myself to the mindset that I will be single forever, so let me stay in my self-pity singleness.
Sadly, I never realized that the area of singleness is precious to God. I didn't know that you have the ability to do many, MANY things for God in your singleness. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of things to do for God in your (future) marriage, but in the midst of your singleness you have a duty.
Singleness Is Not A Curse,
It's A Blessing!
I've learned from and agree with Bible Study Tools website of God's purpose for your singleness (and mine lol). There are 5 incredible points they mentioned and I'd like to share those with you:
1. To Make You More Like Christ
- The more we become like Christ, the more we become beautiful physically and spiritually. We will no longer focus on trying to make ourselves more like everyone else. We have the best leader and Savior who will teach us to be Christ-like. We will develop a gentle, humble and quiet spirit.
2. To Help You Point People to Christ
-This is an exciting area in our singleness (even though married people can do the same). We can use our singleness to take less time on ourselves and fixing up ourselves and focus more on leading and teaching others about Christ. We can be the example they need and help lead them to Jesus.
"The disciples that you make will be like the disciple you are." -My Pastor
3. To Teach You to Live Out Todays Calling, Not Tomorrows
-In our singleness, we tend to jump 10 feet ahead towards our future even though we are not in the future and don't have a clue what to expect. We have things that need to get done today. When we're too focused on tomorrow, we missed great opportunities, new things, blessings and lessons for today. This is why we need to seek Gods will and do what He has called us to do without hesitation. Be thankful for your past, it has strengthened you. Trust God for your future and know that He goes before you. Now, live in the present without fear and regrets holding you back.
4. To Enable You to Rely on the Suffiency of God
-Us single folks don't see a problem with desperately wanting a relationship unless we take a few steps back and see why we want more of a relationship with man than with God. It is in us to want someone to lean on, care for, care for us, to love, etc, but our reliability is not to be on a relationship with man. Our reliability, first and foremost, ought to be on God. God is strong, almighty, and powerful. He is loving, caring and compassionate. He goes before you. He loves you. He'll protect. He will cover every angle of your being with direction and wisdom. You won't know God's love if only you'd lean on and desire more of a relationship with Him. In relationship, when someone ,figuratively speaking, is leaning too much on their relationship, the relationship can snap in half and break, but with God, He is strong enough to let you lean on Him. And the more you lean in, the more of His warming love will comfort you.
5. To Cause You To Trust Him
My singleness felt like a tormenting reminder of being alone and date-less everyday, but I realized I can be doing something now in my singleness for God! All along God was showing me ways I could be doing great things to expand His kingdom and shine His love in my singleness. I don't have to wait to do great things for God until I'm dating, married or have kids. I can start now in my singleness!
This society has pushed the love agenda on everyone and adding a time clock to it. Don't rush like I tried to do. Learn to love you, do what you were called to do in this season of singleness and trust God. He's got it all planned out. Don't waste your singleness chasing the wind (Ecclesiastes), rather use this time to better yourself and others lives to Christ. You'd be surprised what God has in store for you when you turn your eyes from your missing piece of desire for relationship and until the mission you were called to.
Remember: singleness is a gift, so don't go throwing it away. Use it. Love it. Enjoy it.
Peace out peeps! 😃✌🏼
(Don't forget to support yours truly and check out my book on Amazon! Go to the tab shop and the Tap Here button will lead you to it!)
Scripture of the Weekend:
“Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, by the gazelles and wild deer, not to awaken love until the time is right.”
Song of Songs 3:5 NLT
Songs of the Weekend:
Alive by Hillsong Young and Free
I'll Wait For You by Moriah
Wait It Out by Jamie Grace

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