#22 REVIVE-all

Published on 8 August 2023 at 10:58



What exactly is revival? Have we ever seen revival? Have we truly experienced revival? What does God do in a revival? What happens to the church during a revival? 


I've had a million and one questions, trying to understand what revival meant and what it would do in me, the church, the nation. I was practically born and raised in church since I was three and always heard the word revival. I even prayed like everyone else, asking God to send revival, but I didn't know what it was.


The word revival stimulates from two Latin words, "vivo," meaning to live, and "re" meaning again. These two Latin words, which make up the word we use today, should teach us what revival is all about. Living again. Being born again. Refreshed again. Re-awakened again. We aren't to survive here on earth, rather live....again!


Revival is more than a group of Jesus freaks coming together and having a regular church service and then return to their daily routines. Revival is inviting the Holy Spirit and allowing Him to go to work in us. We need a new flame in us that cannot be quenched and will spread like a wildfire in our lives, our families, our churches, especially this world!


When we become revived, we can't simply keep the fire to ourselves. There are others who need to know, experience and have this wonderful revival within them! We must not quench the Spirit but allow the Spirit to lead us where there needs to be a light of fire shinning in the dark corners of this world. 


In Acts chapter 2, The Day of Pentecost, the believers came together, in unity, they prayed, as we should, and the Holy Spirit filled that place. Not just the building they were in, but He filled them! That place. That place where you feel hopeless, lost, burdened, hurt. Perhaps you have backslidden and believe you could never be forgiven and be revived from your past, your fear, your brokenness. 


I'm here to tell you, you can be revived by Jesus- our Way, our Truth and our Life! He died and rose again. He made a whole new (spiritual) birthing system. Die to self and live for Christ! Be reborn! God is in the business of restoration and resurrection. He can bring what was dead back to life! It starts with you asking yourself, "Do I want to be revived and live life again, or do I want to stay in my comfortable place of life and never experience what real life is?"


God will bring revival to those who seek to be revived! Be open and let the Holy Spirit go to work in you.


Until next time peeps :) 


(Meant to post this about two weeks ago. Been busy and sick, but God is good!)


Scriptures for the Weekend:

"'Then he asked me, "Son of man, can these bones become living people again?' 'O Sovereign Lord," I replied, 'you know the answer to that.' Then he said to me, 'Speak a prophetic message to these bones and say, 'Dry bones, listen to the word of the Lord!' This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Look! I am going to put breath into you and make you live again!.... I will put breath into you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.' '

-Ezekiel 37:3-6,


Songs for the Weekend:

Lord Send Revival by Hillsong Young and Free

Your Spirit by Tasha Cobbs